TMJ Disorders


The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) acts a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone to your skull. Its on each side of the jaw. TMJ Disorder is a type of disorder that causes discomfort and pain in jaw joint and in the muscles that control the jaw movement.


The reason for the exact cause of TMJ Disorder in people is still not found and it’s difficult to know what exactly causes the pain.
There are some combination factors that cause pain.
. Genetic disorders
. Arthritis or jaw injury
Some people have the habit of grinding their teeth suffer from this TMJ pain also.


While some people who have the habit of clenching or grinding their teeth, but they do not develop any TMJ Disorders. In maximum no. of cases the pain and discomfort linked with TMJ disorders is temporary and can be calmed with self- managed care or non- surgical treatments.

Surgery is typically the last option after conventional measures fail but some people with TMJ disorders may have the advantage with surgical treatments.

Signs & Symptoms Of TMJ Disorders

1. Discomfort or Sensitivity of your jaw 2. Discomfort in one or both of the Temporomandibular Joints 3. Throbbing pain in and around the ear 4. Difficulty chewing or facing discomfort while chewing 5. Throbbing facial pain 6. Locking of the joint, making it difficult to open or close the mouth.

When you open your mouth or chew, this disorder can also cause a clicking sound or grating sensation. You generally don’t need a treatment when there is know pain or limitation of movement linked with your jaw clicking.

When to Consult a Doctor

If you have a persistent aching or inflammation in your jaw or if you can’t open or close the jaw completely. Then you can consult a TMJ Specialist or a Dentist to discuss possible causes and treatment for your problem.


So if you have any above  symptoms consult a TMJ Specialist immediately.

Risk factors if neglected  include :

  • Various types of Arthritis such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.
  • Jaw injury
  • Long term Clenching or Grinding of Teeth
  • Certain connective tissue diseases that cause problems that may effect TMJ.